Young People: VOTE
This is a series of half-page essays done for an AP English class. (1 of 4)
The Public Religion Research Institute showed only 28% of young adults say they are “absolutely certain” they’ll vote in midterms…(Vox). Young people - I’d like to clarify that this message isn’t coming from any old curmudgeon journalist in an office with nothing better to do than complain about young people. This isn’t coming from your local politician who needs your vote. This is most definitely not coming from your government teacher who says that they’ll give you extra credit if you vote. This is coming from a politically active teenager, whose fed up - not why “you don’t vote,” but why “we don’t vote”. The future seems far off, but as us teenagers embark on taking on the real world, it is of the utmost importance that we understand why our civic duty is so important. Statistically speaking, we don’t vote. Staticians think it’s our arrogance or narcissism. If those words don’t get you agitated, just a little, then I’ll elaborate. History shows, we don’t vote. Let me know if this sits well: Seniors (old people) are the highest demographic of people that vote, but they’re not going to be around for much longer. Why are they the ones dictating the future of American politics? Brett Kavanaugh; does the name ring a bell? President Donald Trump has the opportunity to name him as Supreme Court justice to the bench, this cycle, and his decision will impact the bench for decades after those old people have passed. However, Mr. Kavanaugh will be around when our Supreme Court decisions head to the courts. Republican, Democrat, or perhaps you’ve never taken a side, the simple logic just doesn’t add up, and we have the power to change this. It’s time to put our present aside, and focus on our future.